Subject: Re: [RECL]Virtual Consort feedback
From: Jerrilee Shuman
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 06:40:55 -0500
I agree with Helen about the level of difficulty. In addition to my
elementary players I teach a college music class for elementary ed.
majors. Recorders are a great way for them to start developing music
reading skills, but they can whiz through the stuff I've been using
in the classroom and the recorder material from MK8. Plus there
frequently are former HS band members. They need a bigger challenge
musically. We're not going to perform anything; it's sort of like
I have a handful of altos, one tenor, a few sopraninos and one
garklein. I use the garklein in my pitch lesson to illustrate
"smaller is higher". It's pretty shrill. I have a handful of
students who've tried the alto, but not the tenor yet. This new
music will provide a much needed motivation.
Thank you, Paul and Plankers. You work hard, keep in touch with "the
market" and continue to produce excellent material.
~ Jerri Shuman
On Sep 16, 2008, at 2:38 AM, Helen wrote:
> I love the Gerbil's Gavotte! I don't have any bass players, but will
> use it later on with S,A and T.
> I find I have loads of very easy pieces and another mass of very hard
> pieces. This one is very nicely placed to fill a gap. Certainly not
> too hard as I have most of them for 3-4 years. In fact a perfect gap
> filling piece (if you know what I mean)
> So keep them coming. Love it.
> Helen