Subject: [RECL]Hello Everybody

From: Rita Oglesby
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 18:50:14 -0500

I just heard about this new Plank-sponsored list today so of course I signed
up immediately! I have been on the MK8 list since it started many years
ago. In addition I have been a subscriber to that magazine since it
started. I have Vol.1 #1 and all the way up to this one!

I am an elementary music teacher pre-K-8 and I use recorders with 3rd grade
through middle school. Last year my 3rd and 4th graders just ate up
Recorder Karate and I had to "invent" much more for them to do, including
belts for alto and sopranino. I have incorporated Cak Marshall's ensemble
music for recorders as well as Denise Gagne's materials. I love using
Peripole Angel Halo recorders. The children produce the sound easily and
they blend quite well. I have been teaching for 34 years in Kansas City,

Here's hoping that this list produces the same caliber of lively discussions
that the original one did!

Rita Oglesby

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