Subject: [RECL]From across the big intro
From: Helen
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:21:18 +0100
Hiya friends! Catch up time and lovely having a recorder only list :) intro
Job: At school I mainly teach recorders and keyboard.
At home: Piano, music theory...oh and a diet counsellor (to keep life
I teach recorders to children from age 7-11. At Christmas I'm in
charge of the music for the singers, oh and as said, keyboard lesson
to a chosen few.
Children can opt to learn recorders when they get to Yr 3 - that's
aged 7-8. They have to sign up for it and pay for lessons and a
recorder, and are taken out of their classes once a week for
I have different year groups on different times, which is a bit of a
shame as I'd love to mix the more experienced with the others, but
there ya go.
So I have a 2-4 groups of each year with about 10 in a group
(sometimes more, sometimes less). I put these into ability groups
within the first 4 weeks of meeting them, and try to keep the less
able in a very small group of about 3-4
I have about 120 recorder players in total that I hear each week, and
teach about 35 weeks a year, Well...that's what it says on the
contract, but it never works that way, as they are often not available
owing to outings, other school business (masses etc)
My new recorder players started last Friday. Owing to a mass, I had
to have them in two groups for 15 minutes each. Eeek...just enough
time to give out recorder, books, and learn B. Nightmare.
Loving the recorder classroom book. Already started on Zippy Jingle
with my non-beginners. Hilarious.
Helen (UK)