Subject: Re: [RECL]Copying Music (BAG or more?)

From: Paul Jennings
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 13:21:03 -0500

Thanks for the reminder, Kory... of course, in this case, I'd bet
that Jennifer has MUSIC K-8 8/4, which is where "Firefly" first

It is also available as a Recorder Downloadable Kit.



At 11:56 AM -0500 9/15/08, Kory Johnson wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 09:14:01 -0400, you wrote:
>>Btw, I sure would like to find about four songs that use
>>only BAGE. Any ideas?
>I have a PDF of "Firefly" using those notes and as a bonus, it's a round.
>Shall I send it to you? Best, Sue
>Sue / Listers,
>Just a reminder: If you have purchased one of our CDs/songs, you are
>the owner of the CD/song. You are allowed to make backup copies for
>your own use, but NOT for others.
>This isn't to say you CAN'T share your arrangement -- but you would
>need to get permission from us first AND the recipient would need to
>own the music first, also.
>To contact our Permissions Editor, please send a request to
> Or, you can use our online permissions form
>Our Copyright Policy is printed in any Music K-8 magazine (usually
>near the back).
>Kory Johnson
>Mailing List Administrator
>Plank Road Publishing

Paul Jennings
Plank Road Publishing, Inc.
Publisher of MUSIC K-8 magazine & RECORDER CLASSROOM magazine
Wauwatosa, WI

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