Subject: [RECL]Calling for folk song ideas and photos!

From: Kristyn Johnson
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 09:52:32 -0500

Hi List,

Do you have any great digital photos of your recorder students? Do you
have any recorder lesson plan ideas incorporating folk songs?

If so, please share them with us; we'd love to see and hear what
you're doing in your recorder classrooms! If your photo or idea is
published, we'll even send you a check! Plus, you get to show off your
great program to colleagues, administrators, and parents.
- Photos can be submitted electronically as e-mail attachments. We
prefer that photos be shot at the highest resolution possible in
the .jpg format.
- Don't forget to include caption information for each photo. And, if
your school district requires parental permission for publication of
photos of students, make sure that you obtain it.

Photos and ideas can be sent to:
Katie Ebel, Recorder Classroom Submissions Editor

DEADLINE: Friday, September 17, 2010.


Kristyn Johnson, Web/Contributing Editor and Mailing List Administrator
Plank Road Publishing, Music K-8 & Recorder Classroom magazines

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