Subject: Re: [RECL]Recorder Rock Star

From: Paul Jennings
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 14:18:12 -0500

At 6:49 PM -0700 9/9/08, Elissa Reichstein-Saperstein wrote:
>Hi there Paul and the rest of the MK8/Recorder Classroom Team. Let
>me start by apologizing, in NO WAY did I mean for my comments to be
>taken as criticism. I LOVE the magazine(s) and the music and ideas
>in it (Them). I was only saying that I'd spent a bit of time with
>the RRS feature and was having a difficult time grasping its

Gee.... no need to apologize. And I didn't think of it as defending
it. It's just a neat reward feature that I think teachers will enjoy
and kids will work for once they are up and running with it. And
since I had just written that as an article, it made may task a
little easier... if a little long-winded.

I'm just glad to get feedback.


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