Subject: [RECL]A Beautiful Israeli Recorder piece, by Eyal Baht, is avilable for purchase from the israeli music centre. details inside
From: Drora Bruck
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 11:43:59 +0200
Hi All,
As promised earier this year, Eyal Baht's piece "You who sit in the
Is available in print now - and one can purchase it from the IMI - by mail
If you wish to listen to the piece:
(performed by myself on recorder and Marina Minkin on piano)
If anyone wonders - the money of the sale goes to the pulishing company and
the composer, no % for me, so this is not a deal or anything i gain from, I
simply think that it is a beautiful piece, and it is about time composers
get a bit refunded....
in purchasing pieces published by IMI, please include the folowing details:
Name of composer
No. of copies
No. of credit card and exp. date
Full address to wich the notes and receipt shall be posted
It is also possible to pay through a bank transfer, details will be
sent to you by demand.
Please send your order to:
Alma Sharon - Librarian
Israel Music Institute
Head of the Early Music Department,
The Israeli Conservatory of Music, Tel Aviv
Performance Department,
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance