Subject: Re: [RECL]adaptive recorder?

From: tusing4us at
Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 19:08:30 -0500

Last year I considered buying an adaptive recorder for a challenged child=
but didn''t since I never got around to it. My challenged child had a gr=
eat time just doing her very best with her classmates. She was never able=
to achieve much other than playing a b but this didn't hamper her enthusi=
asm nor her classmates. They encouraged her and cheered her on for doing=
her best. She was just plain ole happy to be doing what they were doing.=
Sometimes we over think a situation. I am very interested in working wi=
th challenged children. What I don't have is the individual time to devot=
e to a single child. I asked the special ed teachers if I could take thei=
r classes separately. They told me they wanted their children integrated=
with the other children, doing the same things. In the case I cited, thi=
s was true. =20

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