Subject: Re: [RECL]A-C piece
From: M Stanley
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 23:03:33 -0500
Isabel Carley, one of the founders of Orff in this country, taught CA to
start with. Her recorder method books are full of CA stuff.
She has songs and pieces using only CA which she accompanied so beautifully
using her tambour between her knees.
Consider them.
On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 3:19 AM, Sandi wrote:
> Several others on the list have mentioned that they are also starting
> recorder with A and C and then going on to D. After hearing Cak Marshall
> talk about it at the Idaho Orff conference I also decided to give it a try
> this year. I hope it will strengthen the beginners' fingers enough to
> prevent the air leaks that students often get when playing the G.
> Unfortunately most beginning recorder music which comes with CD
> accompaniment (including MK8 magazine's wonderful music) is geared towards
> the B-A and then G plan for beginning notes. I can transpose many two-note
> songs to the notes I need, but I can't transpose the recorded accompaniment.
> Is there any chance we could get an A-C or an A-C-D piece from MK8 in the
> near future?
> Sandi in Idaho
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Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!