Subject: [RECL]Playing recorder like piano (was: Why is Covering the holes so hard0
From: Elizabeth Geer
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 11:32:46 -0600
I've seen it quite regularly since I've moved to a school where most of the
children have access to computers at school and at home. If you have
boomwhackers in the room, a short lesson may help. Show how the
longer/lower, shorter/higher principle works, and then point out that the
recorder is a tube, too. Adding fingers makes it longer so that it plays
lower. (Some of my smarter kiddos notice that I sometimes play notes where
I skip holes -- I just tell them there are other science principles that go
into playing the recorder that I use for some notes and that I just told
them the basic one.)
Hope it helps,
Elizabeth Geer
On 11/4/09 10:06 AM, "Recorder_Classroom"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: [RECL]Why is covering the holes so hard
> From: "Karen Stafford"
> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 19:15:32 -0600
> And yeah, I have a couple of third graders who insist on lifting one finger
> when planting the other. I rarely have this happen, but I do in particular
> with one boy (who happens to be one of my best piano players!). For C, he's
> fine, then for A, he plays a B. He won't leave both fingers down. Anyone
> have a solution for that?
> Karen Stafford