Subject: [RECL]further info on bendaroos-wickisticks available?

From: M Stanley
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 18:19:53 -0500

After reading about putting wikkistix (sp?) or bendaroos around the holes of
the recorder for kids who are having physical trouble covering them, I
finally bought some.
I put the .... well, they're thin twine covered with wax and kids use them
to make sculptural items..... stuff around the top 4 holes of my recorder
to try it out.

Okay - I get the feeling. What I want to know is ... is there anything else
I should know or should tell the kids who try this?
Language used, etc.?

I think it's gonna work.

BTW- I found it at Michaels next to the Claydough type stuff. Took me
literally an act of God (2 of them) to find the stuff.
Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!

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