Subject: Re: [RECL]Re: Hi Everyone! What grade to start recorders
From: Linda Z
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 22:26:36 -0400 (EDT)
If I were starting over at a new school, I might start recorders later, but my second graders are chomping at the bit to start recorders. If they bring one in, I give them a modified spiel so they're practicing at home correctly, but they don't get any belts.
We teach recorders and recorder karate in third grade and it takes over their whole music experience (and most of their waking life) from January til March, sometimes til May. Then in fourth grade, I refuse to test anymore in class. And most stop playing their recorder. Sometimes I hear about a family that plays songs together at Christmas. A few kids bring their recorders to class and play the melody with xylophone parts, or rhythm patterns. Some join recorder club. But, yeah, most do not continue. Hanging head in shame.
Brainstorm: This next month 4th and 5th working on playing BAG again. (Cuz somehow most forget how to read notes.) I could encourage them to bring in their recorders or play on xylophones...I made powerpoints of easy songs - much easier to use in whole class instruction...wish my scanner worked...Is there an easy way to use the Recorder Classroom online materials in powerpoints? Is it legal?
Linda Z from Florida (looking forward to seeing you, Martha - you will be at FMEA?)