Subject: [RECL]Videos of the Tel Aviv Conservatory Recorder Consort's concert
From: Drora Bruck
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 20:41:23 +0300
Dear Friends and fellow recorder enthusiasts:
The Tel Aviv Conservatory's representative recorder consort is happy to
show it's annual concert
You are all welcome to listen to the performances on YOUTUBE and send us
your feedback both on the youtube site and here to us...
Members of the ensemble are:
Tomer Even - 15 , Gil Walach - 15, Avia Gavriel - 14, Bosmat Zeichner - 14,
Roi Maori - 14, Ela Avram - 17, Lila Ashuach - 14, Elad Wasserstein - 17,
Yagel Peleg - 18, Yotam Israeli - 18
and I coach them at the conservatory - ...
Bach - aria from cantata
G. R Smith - A Touch of
Dina Smorgonskaya -
Werdin - concertino for recorder and recorder
Vivaldi - concerto
Mancini - The Pink
Drora Bruck
Head of Early Music Department,
The Israeli Conservatory of Music, Tel Aviv
Performace Department,
Jerusalem Academy of Music & Dance
Call me on skype: Drora.bruck