Subject: Re: [RECL]how do you teach?

From: M Stanley
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 11:19:36 -0400

Again - same here.
Jennifer - there are times that I think we are sisters with different

Something that I've just discovered is to have half the kids play recorders,
half xylophones on their recorder music. Then switch. They love the
variety and they're learning different techniques but the same concepts.

I also send all the kids who "forget" their recorders to the xylos to play.
I'd rather they play something than nothing. And they DO get marked down
for the day for not bring their recorders, but they're still appropriately

Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Jennifer S. wrote:

> At 09:17 PM 6/12/2009, you wrote:
>> My question was more directed as to how do you do recorder all year and do
>> other things? Example: recorder for 1st 10 min. then on to other activity.
> We do recorders probably every day. Some days are all recorder and
> testing, others are recorder + xylophones, and a few are no recorders at
> all. But the kids sure protest! They'd rather play recorders every day.

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