Subject: RE: [RECL]how do you teach?

From: Kimberly.Bruguier at
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 21:17:24 -0500

I agree, I don't want to use only recorder. Variety keeps kids interested=
. But, how much time do you spend on recorders a week/class/month? My que=
stion was more directed as to how do you do recorder all year and do other =
things? Example: recorder for 1st 10 min. then on to other activity.
I love that you use such a variety, I would like to do all of that with my =
classes as well. How do you balance everything?

From: [] On Behalf Of =
Jennifer S. []
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 7:43 PM
To: Recorder_Classroom
Subject: Re: [RECL]how do you teach?

At 07:23 AM 6/12/2009, you wrote:
>Using only recorder for learning music can get old after
>a while if used all year.

I do recorders all year, but I don't use "only" recorders. We sing,
we dance, we play xylophones, etc. But I like my kids to keep
working at the recorders instead of just making it a short unit that ends.

Jennifer Schroeder Music/Choir K-12
Fall River, WI

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