Subject: Re: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate/Sarah

From: M Stanley
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 19:14:14 -0400

I would just tell her that you know it's a lot harder for her to do some of
the things the other kids are doing BUT you did such and such and that is
worth a recorder ribbon! And then set the next goal verbally with her and
let her work with that incentive.
DEFINITELY honor the achievement.
I recently did this with some of my special kids. It helped them work hard,
want to continue to work hard and tickled them (and their very special
teacher) to pieces.

Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Linda Z wrote:

> I would definitely give her a symbol of passing. Would she be aware if the
> symbol was different? I'd give her the white belt or whatever symbol you
> give. The other kids will understand and be excited for her! I bet she puts
> more effort than anyone else in the room!
> I have a darling young man who has been mainstreamed into third grade
> classes two years in a row. Memory is SO hard for him. He can play "Hot
> Cross Buns" sort of - with a little help. He has earned at least 3 white
> belts because he comes up to test and plays "Hot Cross Buns" again.
> This year he became aware that he was not progressing like the others and
> took a yellow belt. (First time anyone has done that.) I didn't scold him,
> much. I found out because he came right up to me and said "I got a yellow
> belt!" His smile! And he was so excited! I smiled back, thought about it,
> and the next time told him that I had to give out the belts when he passes a
> song. He still came up to test sometimes, sometimes for white, sometimes for
> yellow belt.
> I let him earn yellow (Gently Sleep) the last day by singing "3 2 1" and he
> successfully play GAB after about 5 tries. Then the next 3 notes after about
> 10 tries...
> Maybe I should be giving him yellow and orange for playing "Hot Cross Buns"
> progressively better...
> Linda
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:42:49 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate/Sarah
> I am working in special ed so I am most interested in your modifications
> for this group. I'm interested in your entire process but in particular this
> group.
> For my group, it is an achievement to just play "B" on pitch. I have to
> think with care. Yes this one child fingers and blows. There is a lot of
> drooling to this as well. Everyone in the regular class she is integrating
> is far, far along and tho she comes in with them to test, I would not be
> fair to just pass her or is it. That's the question.
> Ellie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sarah Amrein
> To: Recorder_Classroom
> Sent: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 5:53 am
> Subject: RE: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate
> I do my recorder karate for 2 years - 4th and 5th. MY coworkers and I do
> the
> same one and it is white through black and then 8 degrees of black belt.
> after
> the degrees one of my coworkers created an alto recorder karate. I have
> not had
> any kids get there yet but she did a few years ago. I expect the 4th grade
> to
> get the to purple or green by then end of the year and then I expect the
> 5th to
> get to the black by the end of the year.
> I do 1 test a month during class time and then in May, after all my
> choirs
> and other groups are done - I have extra testing during lunch recesses. I
> had 2
> 5th graders get to the 6th degree black.
> now we created our own k
> arate belts so they progress faster than the
> original, however, I use the original for my special ed kids. the slower
> progression to new fingerings is key for my self contained sped class.
> if anyone wants to see what I have - I have most of it on Sibelius and I
> can
> make things into PDFs.
> Sarah Amrein Antioch Illinois
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