Subject: RE: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate
From: Sarah Amrein
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 07:53:08 -0500
I do my recorder karate for 2 years - 4th and 5th. MY coworkers and I =
do the same one and it is white through black and then 8 degrees of =
black belt. after the degrees one of my coworkers created an alto =
recorder karate. I have not had any kids get there yet but she did a =
few years ago. I expect the 4th grade to get the to purple or green by =
then end of the year and then I expect the 5th to get to the black by =
the end of the year.
I do 1 test a month during class time and then in May, after all my =
choirs and other groups are done - I have extra testing during lunch =
recesses. I had 2 5th graders get to the 6th degree black. =20
now we created our own karate belts so they progress faster than the =
original, however, I use the original for my special ed kids. the =
slower progression to new fingerings is key for my self contained sped =
if anyone wants to see what I have - I have most of it on Sibelius =
and I can make things into PDFs.
Sarah Amrein Antioch Illinois