Subject: RE: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate

From: Elizabeth Dick
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 07:38:01 -0400

I'm with you on the new songs/new colors. I think the kids will be more mo=
tivated than having another black belt.

From: [] On Behalf Of =
Tami Mangusso []
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 9:08 PM
Subject: [RECL]Continue Recorder Karate

I have always done Recorder Karate with just my 4th graders, but this last =
year my 5th graders begged me to continue it. I never did because I just d=
idn't take the time to work it out. Since I am on summer break now I am th=
inking of creating a Recorder Karate for my 5th graders. Finding the songs=
won't be the problem. What I am wondering is, do I have them finish the b=
elts they didn't get in 4th grade and then create 7 or 8 degrees of black b=
elt or should I create a whole new list of songs and create new colors. I =
am leaning towards creating new songs with new colored belts. That way I d=
on't have to hear the same old songs with two grade levels. Also with the R=
ecorder Classroom magazine, there are some great songs that would work well=
for Recorder Karate. I would just pick so many measures for them to play =
from a song (E.g. I would have them play on of the variations that "B Cool=
" has (RC vol 1. No. 1) or play measure 7-19 from "Zippy Toad,
Waders of the Lost Park" recorder 2 part).

How would you do it?

Tami Mangusso
Aurora, Colorado

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