Subject: Re: [RECL]managing the recorders as they get carried about

From: Jennifer S.
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2008 20:08:23 -0500

At 07:13 PM 9/6/2008, you wrote:
>I'd like to hear how you all manage recorders when the kids are NOT
>playing them.

Our rule is that the recorder always goes in the backpack. They are
told to NOT play on the bus because we don't want to distract the bus
drivers, they already have enough to worry about.

At home, I tell them to play in their room with the door closed. And
if someone tells them to stop because it is annoying, they are to
stop and not bother their parents or brother or sister or cousin...

Many of my students buy 2 recorders so they can have one at school
and one at home. Now that I've been doing recorders here for years,
I have a lot of kids who get a new recorder for school and use an
older brother or sister's recorder at home.

I've never had problems with them playing in the hall or swinging the
cases around. I've also maybe twice in 8 years had someone lose a case.

Jennifer Schroeder Music/Choir K-12
Fall River, WI

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