Subject: Re: [RECL]Fwd: Concert Attendance

From: Sue Roessel Dura
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 08:28:35 -0500

I have been teaching recorder in an after school program and we are all
'volunteers'. When it comes time for the recital, we prepare pieces the =
class can play together and I've never had a kid sit out on these. I =
them to play a solo or duet with a friend and have to limit the number =
of these
to one each. I've been doing this for 6 years and have only had one or =
refuse to do a solo. I can see that if you have a whole class involved =
who have
not 'volunteered' to be in it, there will be a lot more who would rather =
perform. I guess I would suggest that you invite everyone to play, but =
force it. Best, Sue

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 06:06:15 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>I am teaching recorders currently to fourth and fifth grade students (we
>just started in January). I am new to this school system and this is the
>first year of recorders for both of these grade levels. I am planning on=
>recorder concert for fifth grade only (I think), at the end of the =
>year. I teach recorders only during their music class time; there is no
>extra recorder ensemble (yet). Many of the student's are really picking =
>quickly. However there are several in each class who are just not doing =
>Of course I would like the concert to sound good. So here's my question.
>Do any of you have concerts where only some of the students from a class
>perform (besides a special group)? I would like to invite all of the
>students to participate, however I'm not sure that I want to make it
>mandatory. I know there are some that would not play the songs (at least
>recognizable) and absolutely hate performances. And many of the students
>have prior commitments (sports, dance, other lessons) which might =
>and keep them from coming. I don't know whether to send home a note =
>asking for those who want to participate to return a form stating so, or
>What are your thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

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