Subject: [RECL]Fwd: Concert Attendance
From: Elizabeth Pettit
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 06:06:15 -0500 (CDT)
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------=
Subject: Concert Attendance
From: "Elizabeth Pettit"
Date: Tue, March 31, 2009 4:03 pm
I am teaching recorders currently to fourth and fifth grade students (we
just started in January). I am new to this school system and this is the
first year of recorders for both of these grade levels. I am planning on =
recorder concert for fifth grade only (I think), at the end of the school
year. I teach recorders only during their music class time; there is no
extra recorder ensemble (yet). Many of the student's are really picking u=
quickly. However there are several in each class who are just not doing s=
Of course I would like the concert to sound good. So here's my question.
Do any of you have concerts where only some of the students from a class
perform (besides a special group)? I would like to invite all of the
students to participate, however I'm not sure that I want to make it
mandatory. I know there are some that would not play the songs (at least
recognizable) and absolutely hate performances. And many of the students
have prior commitments (sports, dance, other lessons) which might conflic=
and keep them from coming. I don't know whether to send home a note simpl=
asking for those who want to participate to return a form stating so, or
What are your thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!
Elizabeth Pettit
Systemwide Elementary Music Teacher
Elizabethton City Schools, TN