Subject: Re: [RECL]IWB's and recorders
From: Tami Mangusso
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 16:44:37 -0700 (PDT)
I'll agree that it's getting confusing with Promethean and all the differen=
t software versions. I do believe that in due time, Inspire will be replac=
ing the Activstudio and Activprimary software. Right now Inspire is too ne=
w and has a lot of glitches. They will be releasing the first update of In=
spire on April 1st. I am hoping that it will cut down on the number of cra=
shes that I encounter in a day. I do like how Inspire has the ability to s=
witch the view from "studio" view to "primary" view with just a few clicks.=
I also like how Inspire will open up flipcharts that are made in the olde=
r versions. However the older versions cannot open up flipcharts made in I=
nspire and the older version will not accept any resource packs that are ma=
de in Inspire. Because of this I still use Activstudio to make my resource=
packs. I also am using Activstudio whenever I want to use my Activotes. I=
am not ready to try the Activotes in Inspire.=0A=0AI have made a bunch of =
my own resource packs and one of them has recorder fingerings and a blank r=
ecorder (holes are not colored in). I have the students come up and color =
in the holes using the pencil tool. I make the font big enough to fit the =
holes. Then all the student needs to do is tap the hole and it will fill i=
n the hole. =0A=0AWhen were first learning a song I usually scan in the mu=
sic or use the PDF file from Recorder Classroom Magazine. The first thing w=
e do before we play the song is we look at what is in the music. I will ha=
ve students come up to the board to either highlight or circle things in th=
e music (e.g circle the time signature, circle all the B's in the first lin=
e of music, highlight measure 5, read the rhythm in measure 2, etc.) Then =
I will turn the page on my flipchart (Promethean Board) and the next page h=
as the same music, but it now has all the letter names. Then I play the mu=
sic for them and they just finger along (no playing). Then I have them pla=
y without the music accompaniment. After we play it once, I will have a st=
udent come up and cover up all the letter B's or whatever letter they want =
to cover up (once again I make the font on the pen tool big enough to cover=
up the letter with just one tap of the pen). Then we play the song again =
and after
we're done playing I have another student cover up another letter. We con=
tinue this process until all the letters are covered up. =0A=0ATami Manguss=
o=0AAurora, Colorado =0A--- On Sun, 3/29/09, M Stanley wrote:=0A=0A> From: M Stanley =0A> Subject: Re: [R=
ECL]IWB's and recorders=0A> To: "Recorder_Classroom" =0A> Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 1:28 PM=0A> Sigh.... the Smart (bo=
ard) SITE, not=0A> sight...... I can spell, honestly!=0A> =0A> Apparently y=
ou can also download the Activboard software,=0A> but it may be only=0A> th=
e flipchart viewer. There seems to be some confusion in=0A> my=A0 head abou=
t=0A> that.=0A> Activ now has three types of downloads available:=A0 the=0A=
> "professional"=0A> Activstudio, the "primary" Activprimary, and the new o=
ne=0A> Inspire that is a=0A> combination of both plus it's supposed to be e=
asier to use=0A> notebooks in as=0A> well.=0A> =0A> I design my slides in A=
ctivstudio cuz it has more features=0A> and it's easier=0A> for me to manip=
ulate, I display the flipcharts during class=0A> with=0A> Activprimary cuz =
the icons are easier to see and that's=0A> what other teachers=0A> in schoo=
l use, and I'm verrry curious about Inspire.=A0=0A> I've not downloaded it=
=0A> yet cuz I'm still learning the other two, since I only got=0A> my boar=
d in=0A> January - but I sure do use the heck out of it!!=0A> =0A> With rec=
orders - I have a magic tunnel activity for note=0A> and pitch=0A> recognit=
ion;=A0 I have an "empty" recorder template and=0A> I have the kids drag=0A=
> circles to the holes to create fingerings (there are more=0A> of those in=
my=0A> brain but I haven't done them yet);=A0 I really like the=0A> idea o=
f having the=0A> kids come up and write the counting numbers up there and=
=0A> I'm gonna start=0A> doing that.=A0 Since I haven't switched them total=
ly to=0A> counting numbers, away=0A> from the ta titi syllables, I will hav=
e some transitioning=0A> to do with them.=0A> The more I teach recorders, t=
he more I like starting with=0A> syllables and then=0A> in mid-3rd grade, m=
oving toward numbers.=A0 Even if=0A> 1e&a is a pain to=0A> say......=0A> =
=0A> =0A> Martha Stanley, NBCT=0A>> The best way=
to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas=0A> first!=0A> =0A> =0A> On S=
un, Mar 29, 2009 at 2:24 PM, M Stanley =0A> wrote:=0A=
> =0A> > Try
tm=A0=0A> for=0A> > Smart downloads.=0A> >=0A> > The Smart sight is smartte= If you just=0A> type, you get to=0A> > see those teeny=
tiny cars.....=0A> >=0A> > I guess you could download the software for not=
ebook=0A> and then download=0A> > sample ideas, but the kids would have to =
use the=0A> computer screen to see what=0A> > was going on........ sigh.=0A=
> >=0A> > Ellie, you have such a physically demanding job.=A0=0A> Your posi=
tive attitude is=0A> > inspiring.=0A> >=0A> > Martha Stanley, NBCT=0A> > ww=> > The best way to have a good idea is to have lot=
s of=0A> ideas first!=0A> >=0A> >=0A> >=0A> >>=0A> >>=0A> >> Smart Board No=
tebook software.=A0 This software=0A> got wiped out when my=0A> >> computer=
=0A> >> crashed so maybe I could get this to happen if I=0A> made a point o=
f it at one=0A> >> of my schools. Ellie=0A> >>=0A> >>=0A> >=0A> -----------=
-------------------------------------------------=0A> Hosted by Plank Road =
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