Subject: Re: [RECL]IWB's and recorders
From: M Stanley
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 15:28:07 -0400
Sigh.... the Smart (board) SITE, not sight...... I can spell, honestly!
Apparently you can also download the Activboard software, but it may be only
the flipchart viewer. There seems to be some confusion in my head about
Activ now has three types of downloads available: the "professional"
Activstudio, the "primary" Activprimary, and the new one Inspire that is a
combination of both plus it's supposed to be easier to use notebooks in as
I design my slides in Activstudio cuz it has more features and it's easier
for me to manipulate, I display the flipcharts during class with
Activprimary cuz the icons are easier to see and that's what other teachers
in school use, and I'm verrry curious about Inspire. I've not downloaded it
yet cuz I'm still learning the other two, since I only got my board in
January - but I sure do use the heck out of it!!
With recorders - I have a magic tunnel activity for note and pitch
recognition; I have an "empty" recorder template and I have the kids drag
circles to the holes to create fingerings (there are more of those in my
brain but I haven't done them yet); I really like the idea of having the
kids come up and write the counting numbers up there and I'm gonna start
doing that. Since I haven't switched them totally to counting numbers, away
from the ta titi syllables, I will have some transitioning to do with them.
The more I teach recorders, the more I like starting with syllables and then
in mid-3rd grade, moving toward numbers. Even if 1e&a is a pain to
Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 2:24 PM, M Stanley wrote:
> Try for
> Smart downloads.
> The Smart sight is If you just type, you get to
> see those teeny tiny cars.....
> I guess you could download the software for notebook and then download
> sample ideas, but the kids would have to use the computer screen to see what
> was going on........ sigh.
> Ellie, you have such a physically demanding job. Your positive attitude is
> inspiring.
> Martha Stanley, NBCT
> The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!
>> Smart Board Notebook software. This software got wiped out when my
>> computer
>> crashed so maybe I could get this to happen if I made a point of it at one
>> of my schools. Ellie