Subject: [RECL]IWB's and recorders
From: M Stanley
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 15:37:27 -0400
James has a smartboard; I have an activboard. What do you -who have
these interactive whiteboards - do specifically with your recorder and
related work?
James gave a fine example below.
Martha Stanley, NBCT
The best way to get a good idea is to have lots of ideas first.
>> Another thougth (If you have the equipment to do this): If you have
>> acomputer and Smartboard, scan the music into Smartboard Notebook
>> software.
>> Then you can project it so the whole class can see it. They can
>> also go to
>> the board and write the names of notes, counting, etc on the board.
>> Great
>> strategy for involving the whole class.