Subject: Re: [RECL]I'm in!
From: Paul Jennings
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 18:36:15 -0500
At 6:54 PM -0400 9/6/08, M Stanley wrote:
>Glad to see so many friends on the list already!
>May I say that my favorite piece of 1-1 was the dolphin piece by that nice
>lady...... may I also say that my stuff is at school and so I can't tell you
>the exact title or her name. Duh.
>It's gorgeous. And she was so gracious when I wrote her to tell her so.
>What a nice group of people. I'm happy to support them by purchasing their
>great products. Win -win - win - win........
>Martha Stanley, NBCT
>The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas first!
Hi, Martha...
That was Julie Gaulke, our managing editor for RECORDER CLASSROOM.
It's so neat, each person in our core team has been great to work
with for years, but each had a different job, to some extent, than
what they do for the new magazine - including me.
Teresa runs the ship on MK8, so I took this on because I wanted to do
it so much and because she already has 11 full-time jobs. Is she
still involved... yeah... and she even has a special project in the
second issue.
But I ramble. Julie has really grown in this position, including as a writer.
And you are right, we are blessed with neat people at PRP. ReClas
meetings are a hoot... we just had one for issue 3 Friday. Much good
humor and great ideas from all.