Subject: Re: [RECL]Bile Them Cabbage Down

From: Helen
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 20:31:46 +0000

Hi Martha.

As far as I know, there isn't a chat place or bulletin board. It's
just 'here' which suits me just fine :)

Email a message to the list (as you've done today) and every
subscriber will get it.

As for checking out jobs, I have a few! A dishwasher to be loaded, a
roomba to empty, a teenage son to trace (with strict instructions not
to keep turning off his mobile (cellphone to you folks). Take your
pick but please note that it's a long swim to the UK, and the weather
is a bit chilly. Wrap up warmly.

Hope that helps :D

Helen (UK)

2009/3/1 martha buck :
> Hi Helen,
> How do I check out the jobs on the list serve?
> I have never been on a list serve and don't know how to use it?
> Is there a chat place or bulletin board?
> Do thing automatically come to me from the list serve?
> Thanks,
> Martha
> Martha Buck
> Cell Phone (727) 742-0205
> ________________________________
> From: Helen
> To: Recorder_Classroom
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 5:12:09 PM
> Subject: [RECL]Bile Them Cabbage Down
> Oh, we love it!
> Going to have 120 children playing it together at the end of =A0this
> summer's concert. =A0Should be great.
> Another fine work MK8
> Helen (UK)
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