Subject: Re: [RECL]Pitch Notation - letters versus solfege

From: Jennifer S.
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 16:34:31 -0600

At 07:27 AM 12/3/2008, you wrote:
>So when a tune is in C, then C is do; in G the G is do etc. and this doesn't
>confuse the kids?

Why would it confuse kids? I always talk about how "the main note"
is always Do. So if we're in C, what's the main note? C. So that's
Do. My kids catch on really easily. It's kind of like playing
soprano recorder and then alto recorder. They're the same fingers,
but different notes. Or same notes but different fingerings. The
same but different! :-)

Jennifer Schroeder Music/Choir K-12
Fall River, WI

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