Subject: [RECL]Great stuff!
From: Hewitt, Kristy
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 10:41:46 -0800
Well, I finally began using Recorder Resource in November and, wow!
This is exactly what I need right now. I teach recorder with blended
3rd/4th grade, and with blended 5th/6th grade. Also, some of my 6th
graders have sopraninos and altos. So, with all of these levels of
ability and experience, I am faced with a challenge in providing
material to suit these groups. Having the two versions of most pieces,
easy and advanced, is perfect, and my students are really enjoying the
music. I'm also very thankful that some of the accompaniments come in
several tempos and combinations of parts.
My 3rd/4th grades warmed up with "B Cool", with rhythms that led
beautifully into "Dolphin Dreams" We LOVE this piece! We have turned
it into a soli/solo and tutti arrangement, which really adds to the mood
of the piece. "Talking Turkey" was an amusing exercise as well - fun,
and easy to be successful with. My 5th/6th graders got a real kick out
of "Secret Agent", it was a quick review of high C, and easy for my
sopraninos and altos. Everyone rocked with Hot Cross Buns (Warm Tasty
Baked Goods.) We split the class into two groups and took turns playing
the classical or rock parts. My 5th/6th graders are now beginning
"Hanukkah Time" to practice reading two part music, which will prepare
them for following their choir music next week. We are now experts at
counting introductions, 1st and 2nd endings, DS, and Codas. Lesson
plans couldn't be easier! Thank you, MK8!
Kristy in Oregon