Subject: Re: [RECL]Beginner woes

From: Sue Roessel Dura
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 16:50:15 -0500

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 16:31:00 +0100, you wrote:

>Please don't ask her to quit.

You were right! She still has a lot of trouble, but she earned a 'star' =
think these are like karate belts) for On The Yangtze which uses BAG and =
E. What
a thrill for me ;-) And her smile was to die for. I appreciated your =
from the perspective of 2nd graders.

All the best,

>I start them in 2nd grade, so you can imagine how many children have
>the same problem. They get it though. Most within 3-4 week Some of
>them a little longer, but definitely by Christmas.
>Unfortunately, it's generally those with the fine motor problems that
>are the ones that do the least home practice :( Maybe because it
>sounds so bad, but I think there's more going on there ;)
>It's practice that will get it though, so maybe they could get a
>parent to sign a practice sheet to show it's been done?
>Best of luck with her (and you!)
>Just had my beginners for their 2nd lesson. (Quick thankyou to the
>makers of paracetamol) Off for a coffee before piano lesson start.
>Where would I be with caffeine to keep me going.
>Helen (UK)
>2008/9/18 Sue Roessel Dura :
>> Hi Folks,
>> I'm starting a bunch of 4th grade beginners and after 4 lessons all of=
them can
>> play Hot Cross Buns, most of them can play Merrily. But one student =
can't play
>> a B by herself yet. I've had students before who have trouble =
covering the
>> holes, but this one seems totally unable. I've placed my fingers over=
hers so
>> she can feel how the holes should be under her fingers and she can =
then play a
>> B, but as soon as I let go, she looses it.
>> Since we are all volunteers at this endeavor, should I encourage her =
to quit?
>> The noises she makes make it hard for the others to hear if they are =
>> and in tune. I told the parents and kids that 10 minutes practice a =
day is a
>> requirement and she admitted she doesn't practice.
>> Best, Sue
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