Subject: [RECL]RECL: Introduction

From: Linda Z
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:42:54 -0400 (EDT)

Hi. I'm an avid MK8 list reader and I'm excited by the new wealth of materi=
al available through Recorder Classroom.=20

We started an after school=C2=A0recorder club with 25 4th and 5th graders w=
ho are at the purple belt or above. We performed "A Questionable Alliance o=
f Warm and Tasty Baked Goods" last Thursday night. It was easy to choreogra=
ph! We stood "strait-laced" for the legato parts and=C2=A0stepped forward w=
ith an attitude to play the staccato parts. It was also a great song to sta=
rt out our effort to "match" notes, rhythms, and tone. "Our goal is to be t=
he best group that ever played this song!"=20

This week we will be trying to put the two parts of "Fais Do Do" together a=
nd introduce "Gerbil's Gavotte". Any suggestions=C2=A0about=C2=A0how to pre=
sent=C2=A0"Gerbil's Gavotte" or "Fais Do Do"? Should I be doing some ostina=
to work first?=20


Linda Z from Florida

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